
Work in a proper python environment

When you start a new python project, it is quite important to have a proper environment. With Pipenv, it is quite easy to create a virtual environment, install libraries and manage the version of t...

Django migrations

How create a named empty migration in a specific django app? ./ makemigrations --empty my_django_app_name -n name_of_my_migration How run some python code in my migration? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7...

My Dotfiles

I have installed different tools on my computer to work well and to have a bit of fun as well. I have used the package manager called Homebrew to set up my computer. It allows you to install some p...

Hello world

My name is Diane, I am a Junior Web Developer working at Pix4D since Nov 2016. I am continually reading a lot of blogs and articles about how to become a better developer and how to write good co...